

Project Manager-Western Canada myConferenceSuite 

Software Services
Position Type
Full-time Permanent
Job Title
Project Manager-Western Canada myConferenceSuite 
Job Location
British Columbia
Hours per week
37.5 hr
Employment Category
Software Services
Job Description

D. E. Systems is looking for a project manager for our event management platform, MyConferenceSuite.  The position entails liaising with event management clients and our programming team to build registration, abstract, virtual portal and event applications.  It may also include onsite registration support.  Duties would include but are not limited to:

  • Client relationship management
  • Coordinating registration and abstract form building
  • Virtual Event Support
  • Client-Programmer liaison 

D. E. Systems has been providing registration and event management software solutions for over 15 years and has built a valued client base with associations, institutions, government and a variety of other event producers.  D. E. Systems strives to provide a work environment that is inclusive and enables staff to take pride in their work, providing the highest level of service to our clients. 

The ideal candidate for this role is one that has good interpersonal skills, communication skills, be adept with technology platforms, organizational skills and a good understanding of data structure and conditions. 

Job Requirements

The following skillset/proficiencies would be an asset but are not necessarily required:

  • Ability to maintain good communication with clients
  • Strong organizational and time management skills
  • Understanding of registration process and event management
  • A thorough understanding of the event marketplace and client needs as it relates to technology for conference management.
  • Bilingualism is an asset but not required
  • Strong connections to event industry professionals
Application Information

For a full review of our event management platform visit www.myconferencesuite.com

Application Information:  Send resume to

David Dugas

D.E. Systems Ltd.
